
At CBR Testing we do soil site investigations. Our team of experts use various ground investigation techniques to determine the physical properties of the soil and rock at your site so your development is built on solid ground. Whether it’s a small residential or large commercial project, knowing the ground conditions is key to the success and safety of the build.

What is a Soil Site Investigation?

A soil site investigation is the process of investigating the subsurface conditions at a specific location to gather data on the physical properties of the soil, rocks and ground water conditions. These investigations are done using various ground investigation techniques such as trial pits, drill boreholes and geophysical methods to obtain information critical to the planning and execution of construction projects.

At CBR Testing we customise our site investigations to your project requirements so we provide the right data at the right time.

Ground Investigation Techniques

We use various ground investigation techniques to assess the ground conditions and determine if the site is suitable for construction. These include:

  • Trial Pits: We dig into the ground to examine the soil and rock layers and get immediate access to the physical properties and structure of the ground.
  • Drill Boreholes: We use specialist equipment to drill into the subsurface and take undisturbed samples of the soil and rock for further testing.
  • In situ testing: We test the ground conditions on-site without disturbing the natural state of the soil and rock.
  • Geophysical Methods: Non-invasive techniques are used to map the subsurface conditions and identify variations in soil and rock layers, without digging or drilling.

Our experts use these and other methods to provide data and risk assessments for your construction projects.

Site Investigation Process

Our site investigation services give you a full picture of the ground conditions at your site. The process follows these stages:

  1. Desk Study: We start with a thorough review of existing information about the site, including previous site investigations, geological data and environmental consultancy reports. This initial stage helps us determine the likely ground conditions and potential risks.
  2. Site Investigation: We then move on to the fieldwork using a combination of ground investigation techniques to collect soil, rock and ground water samples. We also conduct in situ testing to evaluate the physical properties of the soil and rocks.
  3. Laboratory Testing: The samples collected during the site investigation are tested in our laboratory to determine their physical and chemical properties. This testing allows us to evaluate the strength, composition and stability of the soil and rock.
  4. Risk Assessment and Reporting: Once the fieldwork and laboratory testing is complete we compile a full report of all findings. The report includes the physical properties of the soil and rocks, ground water conditions and any potential contamination or geotechnical risks that may affect the construction. Our reports also include recommendations for dealing with the issues and compliance with planning conditions.

Why CBR Testing?

At CBR Testing we know how important soil site investigation is to your project. Our site investigation services are for clients across all industries from residential to large infrastructure projects. We offer a full range of investigation techniques and testing options so you have the data to make informed decisions.

Our Services:

  • Full Investigation: We offer full ground investigations from desk study to detailed risk assessments and laboratory testing.
  • Accurate Data: Our team of experts use the latest equipment and techniques to deliver precise and reliable data for your construction planning and decision making.
  • Customised Solutions: Every project is unique so we customise our site investigations to your project requirements.
  • Experienced Team: With years of experience in the field our geotechnical experts have the knowledge and expertise to provide a thorough assessment of the soil and ground conditions.

Ground Conditions for Construction Projects

Any construction project relies on a full understanding of the ground conditions. Poorly understood or ignored ground conditions can lead to structural problems down the line, increased costs and safety hazards. At CBR Testing we conduct ground investigations to evaluate the subsurface conditions so your construction project is built on a solid foundation.

Investigation Techniques:

  • Sampling and Testing: We collect soil, rock and ground water samples for laboratory testing to assess their suitability for construction.
  • Geotechnical Testing: This includes a range of tests to assess the strength and stability of the soil and rock layers to ensure the proposed development can be safely supported.
  • Contamination Assessments: We also check for potential contamination in the soil and ground water that may affect your project or the environment.

Future Development

When you’re planning a development you need to consider the ground conditions from the start. Our site investigation services help you identify the issues and address them at the planning stage so the construction process is smoother and more efficient. Whether you have a small construction project or a large development we have the data to help you make informed decisions.

Contact CBR Testing for Site Investigation Services

If you’re building a project contact CBR Testing for your site investigation services. Our experienced team use the latest investigation techniques to deliver precise and reliable data on the soil, rocks and ground water conditions at your site. Get in touch to talk about your project and see how we can help your project succeed.

Contact us today on 0333 5670 464.

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